I was so excited for the 6 o'clock news on Monday night, because I knew all the girls would be watching and that even more ladies at home would soon become inspired to join Boot Camp. To really get the idea of what kind of a difference boot camp can make, click on the following link :http://www.kesq.com/global/story.asp?s=10079395 . It will take you to KESQ's web site, where you can watch the special feature. Just click on the camera icon when you get there. You can also read the story, and find additional links to get on track. So far the response has been awesome! Thank you to Alison, Krissy, Joanne, Janice, Jennifer, Ursula, and Marguerite for signing up to follow along on the blog and sharing their comments. The more the merrier, so I hope to hear from even more of you! Thanks again to all the girls in the 8:30 class for being such good sports and letting KESQ come and document all of your hard work! You are all so positive and I must say are some tough cookies! Did I say cookies?! Uh Oh! Time for a rice cake! :)
Hey Tamara!! Was fun partnering up with you at workout Wed!!! Can you feel your arms?? Great challenge! Thanks
ReplyDeleteThanks for motivating me! You are a great friend and I'm so happy to have boot camp to thank for meeting you.
'til manana!