First off...don't let the word, "BOOTCAMP" intimidate you! Yes, it's tough, but anything worth doing is hard. This workout is "do-able" for anyone out there. There are all ages, shapes, sizes and fitness levels in Boot Camp, yet they all work in harmony together. You go at your own pace and build up from there. This is about YOU and no one else. It's YOU time! That's something we all deserve and forget to remember. It's just an hour, at the beginning of your day and then you're set! I'm sort of a restless person in some ways. I get bored easily....that's why I think I ended up in the news business! Everyday is something different and that's the same with boot camp. No work out is like another! Last Wednesday, we did a "traveling boot camp". Then on Friday, we did an "Indian Run" and then a challenging series of exercises including, jump rope, pop squats, reverse lunges, sit ups, another running exercise that just about did me in! And then a mat series, focusing on our "core", with pikes, push-ups, and ending with everyone's favorite yoga move, "child's pose," and stretching. It's a lot, but what a sense of accomplishment when it's all done. You feel good when it's over and what you were weak in today, you'll be stronger in tomorrow. It's a process that takes time, but as Alison has told me, "it is about the the journey not the destination." Listen to the song, "THE CLIMB", by Miley Cyrus (Yes, that's Hannah Montana!) She's deeper than you think! Just click on the menu button on the i-pod to the left and choose it, or another song to inspire you! Be inspired and make it happen!
Dear Tamara
ReplyDeleteThank you so very much for your bright shinning face each day! I have wanted to share something very special with you and your listeners. This is not a story about me, but one very special individual in my life. I will begin by saying that I have had a family history of extremely high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and migraine headaches for years. My father died when he was 50! I am 52 years of age and counting. My triglycerides have been as high as 1498 and cholesterol in the 400s. I have battled this problem for more than a decade. Always watching my diet, some exercise but very discouraged, believing this was my fate. Well about 6 months ago I was looking to lose a little weight and look trimmer for my daughter's wedding (I thought) in reality I wanted some changes in my life. I ran across a website about women's boot camp in the desert. I was very nervous and anxious about the prospect of dying trying to do a push up! Well, the Head Trainer and owner of the desert franchise have been without a doubt one of the most encouraging, selfless, and highly motivating women I have ever met! Alison Busher has really made a difference in my life, in less than 4 weeks with her plan and nutritionist my cholesterol dropped almost 300 points and triglycerides blood level are now in the 290s!! My doctor began to cry! He couldn't understand want was happening, then I began to explain what I had been doing he couldn't believe it. Again, this is NOT my story but Alison Blusher’s story; I could not have done this without the encouragement of her entire staff! Never do they make you feel your worthless, just the opposite. We start at 5:30 am; I am there at 5:00, the workout lasts until 6:30 and is never the same. Alison always says she would like to change at least one life, SHE HAS! I feel my whole life beginning new! This is my Favorite part of the day, it has relieved stress at work, and my headaches have significantly diminished, not to mention my blood test results. And I am looking trimmer and leaner! I have lost tremendous amount of weight,( I have lost the weight on my shoulders) free my body. It isn’t the body it’s mostly the mind and emotions I found I have fought against. Recently, my sister went to the nutrition talk that is offered through camp and now she after talking with Ali, is motivated! It isn't easy but anything of value usually takes hard work and commitment. Thank you for allowing me to share “Alison’s” story. I hope you can share this story.
Marguerite Kalchert
Bermuda Dunes, CA