Saturday, March 27, 2010

Making a comeback!

Hey Girls,
I've been absent for awhile... getting sick set me way back! But I've been easing my way back this week...workouts at the gym and watching the diet closesly again. Summertime is almost here and I know we're all gearing up for that! I'll see you back at boot camp next month! If you've also fallen off track let me know and we will all cheer eachother on once again. Here's to successful comebacks! We can do it!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Calling ALL Women! Burnt Out Mommies, Career Women, Girlfriends…All Women Who Need a BREAK!

When was the last time you gave yourself permission to clear your head,
recharge your batteries and take time for you?

If your answer is "never" or "can't remember,” then it is time for you to sign-up for the Spread Your Wings Retreat. Reward yourself with a life-changing journey at the end of this summer and head into fall with a fresh outlook!

This women-only Spread Your Wings Retreat is designed to take your personal fitness and health to the next level. But more importantly, it’s about discovering your full potential, overcoming obstacles and succeeding on a journey of personal growth far beyond your expectations. Our three-day camp was created to do two incredibly important things: rejuvenate and inspire you to get the most out of life by living a healthier and more empowered life in every way. You will get powerful take-home tools to implement your new lifestyle.

Here are some of our classes and activities during your girls’ weekend:
Empowerment Workshop
Healthy Cooking Demonstrations
Boot Camp, Yoga, Weight Training
Nutritional Class by a Health Coach
Grocery Store Tour to Find Fun, Healthy Food
Makeup Tips from a Top Hollywood Makeup Artist
Skin Care Session with a European Esthetician
Downtime to Relax and Chill Out
Stress Management Seminar
Networking Sessions
Girls’ Night Out

There's also an optional fun photo shoot after you get made up
by a top Hollywood makeup artist and so much more!

When: August 21st to 23rd, 2009
What: A great chance to take care of yourself and recharge!
Where: Renaissance Esmeralda Resort, Indian Wells, CACost: Only $299 for the whole weekend!Why: Girl, you know you deserve it!To Register: Go to
Questions? Call us at 800-892-0590

*If you are attending the retreat we recommend you stay at the hotel the whole weekend to make the most of the experience. When you make a room reservation make sure you mention the “Spread Your Wings Retreat” for a big discount on the room.

Hotel details: Renaissance Esmeralda Resort,
44400 Indian Wells Lane, Indian Wells, CA
(760) 773-4444

To guarantee your spot don’t wait…sign up today at:

Remember you can also give this retreat as a gift to someone you love. Also, please forward this email to friends you would like to have join you.

When you register, we will send you the details for the retreat. We have created an incredible weekend for you. We promise that you will have the most fun you’ve had in a long time and go home recharged!

If you have any questions, feel free to call Alison personally at 1-800-892-0509.
We are so excited to spend time with you. We promise this will be a life changing weekend!! So, round up your girlfriends for a fabulous bonding weekend!

P.S. Please forward this email to all your friends. Also, if you’d like a retreat flyer to give to your friends, please email Alison at [] and she'll get one right out to you.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Golden "80/20" Rule

Hi Girls!

We are all finishing our last week of boot camp for another month! I have tried staying off of the scale as much as possible and have just focused on making clean eating and exercise a normal part of my routine and not obsessing quite as much as I did during the last boot camp. Alison has told all of us that it is okay to have a cheat meal once in a while and that we must take a break now and then from exercise, so that we don't burn out. I think following her "80/20" rule has really helped me to make healthy habits part of a normal lifestyle, more than if I did it 100% of the time. 80 % of the time, follow the plan to a T! But allow yourself 20% to slide a little bit now and then. We have to live a little bit, right?! They say treat others as you would want to be treated. Well, treat yourself the way that you want to be treated, too! You want to be healthy, so be healthy most of the time. You want to splurge and treat yourself, so do it....20% of the time!
:-) I have made Monday through Friday my strictest days. I eat clean, every 3 hours and have been exercising at the gym, in addition to bootcamp on bootcamp off days. When Saturday and Sunday roll around, I choose one of the two as a day to rest from exercise. As far as food goes, if I want pancakes for breakfast one day, I will have them and then eat within reason for the rest of the day. My boyfriend and I were out of town, eating on the road all weekend and I slid off the plan, but within reason. Today is Monday and it's back to being strict for the rest of the week. So finding a balance is key to keeping my sanity, treating myself, yet being good to myself. And I do think it is working! We weigh in again on Friday, and I am confident that I will have met my goal for the month, as a happy person! I will let you know! Let's all push ourselves a little harder during our last week and make it count!

See you at the park!


Friday, April 10, 2009


Okay girls! Here is a look at the progress made in the last month. Time to celebrate! Congratulations to everyone on another successful Boot Camp!

March 16-April 10

Total weight loss: 8 pounds
Body Fat %: Down 7.8%
Body Water: Up 5%
Muscle Mass: Up 7.3 lbs
Metabolic Age: Was 44, Now 26!

Total inch loss:
11.75 inches
Lost 3 inches in Chest
Lost 3 inches in Waist
Lost 1.5 inches on right arm
1.25 inches in left arm
Lost 1 inch in right thigh
Lost 2 inches in left thigh

Mile time:
Was 10:10, Now 9:15

1 minute Push-up test: Was 27, Now 50

It's not over yet! I'm going to try for another 8 pounds during the next boot camp! Keep running, training and eating clean!

See ya at the park!


Tuesday, April 7, 2009


SALSA saves the day! I LOVE SALSA! It's truly been one of the best tools for me on the meal plan. I use it to spice up egg whites, fish and chicken and sometimes I pretend a rice cake is a tortilla chip and dip it in for a snack. I pretty much have my daily menu worked out into a nice little routine. Here's what I've worked out to make it as simple as possible:

8:00am Breakfast:
-BSN Dessert Protein Shake (comes in cinnamon roll, chocolate coconut candy bar, chocolate fudge, banana creme, banana nut bread, and vanilla creme flavors) Best deal at
Blend with 5 oz water and ice cubes
11:00am Snack:
-5 egg whites with spinach, red onion, mushrooms, tomato and SALSA.
2pm Lunch:
4 oz Chicken or Tuna
1/2 cup brown rice
SALSA or Mixed Veggies
5pm Snack:
-4 oz Tuna or Chicken
-1/2 cup brown rice or salt free rice cake or mixed veggies
9:30 pm Dinner:
-4 oz Salmon, Chicken or Steak Filet
-Grilled Vegetables

12am Snack:
-BSN Dessert Protein Shake

Alison is Always There! :-)

Went running around the neighborhood earlier today and saw Alison's "Desert Adventure Boot Camp-Mobile" parked in the parking lot of a nearby school. I kept running and then stopped for a second to adjust my jogging pants that are suddenly feeling a little bit loose (yay!), when another car pulled up beside me and stopped. Who was in the back seat, cheering me on? Alison of course! "You're running! It's noon and you're running! I'm so proud of you!" She's always there, even when you least expect it. And even if she's not physically present, her positive energy and motivational quotes stick with you and get you out the door to do your cardio on the off days. This is the fourth week of camp and I will have my final numbers for you on Friday...that's also motivation to get out the door and burn a few extra calories!

"If your body's not right, the rest of your day will go all wrong. Take care of yourself. " ~V.L. Allineare

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I know how hard it is to step on that scale and cringe when you see that number! How did THAT get there? Actually, how did I get here?! When it comes to shedding that extra weight, it can be frustrating , because pounds are stubborn, so you have to be stubborn back! It's all about YOU and your ATTITUDE girls! That's what Alison is teaching me and it's starting to make an impression on my brain and in turn, my body! At the end of the four weeks, I will share my beginning and ending numbers with you, so that you can see that progress does happen during boot camp. But I thought I'd share some inspirational quotes from Alison to inspire you to stick with it and STAY STRONG!

~ It's mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
~ The difference between try and triumph is a little, "umph"!
~ The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities. You are the Priority..:)
~ The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places.
~ Rule your mind or it will rule you.
~The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win.
~ Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.
~ Conscience is the INNER voice that warns us somebody may
be looking.

~ One of my best moves is to surround myself with friends who, instead of asking, "Why?" are quick to say, "Why not?" That attitude is contagious.
-Oprah Winfrey

~ It is time for us to stand and cheer for the doer, the achiever, the one who recognizes the challenge and does something about it.
-Vince Lombardi